Thursday, May 23, 2013

A New Opportunity

This morning brought us back to La Ciudad de la Alegria, excited to see what the day would hold. As we talked with the administration, they asked us to help with general health checks for the primary school children. Each fall as they start school and spring as they finish the school year, the children are measured and weighed, and their general state of health is recorded.

It took us a while to get organized, but once the children started coming in, we were ready for them. Our Friends students have been practicing their interview skills for taking basic medical histories, and this was a great opportunity for them to use those skills. Many of the children recognized our students, as they had worked in some of their classrooms earlier in the week. Today we worked with the first grade girls and boys and the 2nd grade girls.

Over lunch we celebrated the 19th birthday of Sarah, one of our Friends students. Everyone had been planning a surprise for her, and after lunch she was presented with some gifts and a birthday cake. The staff at the hotel restaurant were so excited to be in on the secret that they could hardly contain themselves, and after we serenaded her in English, they all serenaded her in Spanish.

In the late afternoon each day we have been going to La Salle University for a time of discussion and reflection on the day's experience. Today, as everyone had a chance to express what they have thought about and learned throughout the time that we have worked at La Ciudad de la Alegria, I was most impressed with their responses. Many students reflected on the relationships that they have developed during the short period of time that we have been here, even with the language barrier. Several students talked about the lessons that they have learned from even the hard manual labor, and how the knowledge that they have made a difference has impacted them. A number of students brought up the difficulties of being in a place where they feel unable to communicate easily, and how this experience will help them be more patient and understanding of those who they come across and work with in the future that have the same challenges. This has been a tremendous couple of weeks, and we all recognize that it is going to be very difficult to say goodbye tomorrow.

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